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Contact Us


Phone & Email


For Jake or Stacey

4521 Chadwick Rd, Suite 2

Cedar Falls, IA 50613

For John or Josh

118 East 18th Street

Cedar Falls, IA 50613


  • Facebook

Counseling sessions are by appointment only.

We have human phone coverage M, T, W, R from 9-4 and F from 9-2. Please leave a message if you get our voicemail.

Email Us

We want to talk with you, however, we may be seeing clients and can't answer the phone. We'd love for you to leave a message. We know no one leaves a message, but make an exception here. 


We do our best to return calls and emails within one to two business days, depending on our staff schedules. 

If you call after 4pm on a business day or on a weekend, we will get your message the following business day.

To stay up to date on any office hours (reception) changes, please visit our Facebook page .

Our counselors and office staff are not available 24/7. 


If you have an emergency, are experiencing thoughts of harming yourself or others, or are in any other danger please seek immediate emergency attention by calling 911. 

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